by HBTechnologySolutions | Jun 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
![iWork Updates]()
There are certain products Apple lets languish for quite some time between product updates. We were thrilled to see the new MacPro make it’s debut at the Apple World Wide Developer’s Conference recently. Now we get a much needed update to Apple’s Office Productivity Suite: iWork. Take that Microsoft Office!

by HBTechnologySolutions | May 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
![Adobe attempts to force its customers to upgrade to newer more expensive versions]()
We support a number of individual visual artists and Mom & Pop design studios. The lion’s share are not well to do, so we have used every resource at our disposal to keep their initial purchase of Adobe Creative Suite 6 software operational despite increasing compatibility issues with each successive release of the MacOS. New Apple computer purchases limit you to running the MacOS available at the time of purchase and newer only. We find Adobe’s newest policy not only very troubling but question the legality of forcing users to migrate to the newer subscription-based version of their product.
by HBTechnologySolutions | May 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
![jamf Product Professional]()
A new paradigm shift is afoot in the world of Apple IT support. Proactive management is rightfully replacing reactive triage. The end result is increased efficiency for the consultant and greater cost-savings for the customer. Support is offered through a bundled suite of tools collectively known as IT Managed Services. Device Management is a core service in the package, providing zero touch out of the box device configuration ,adherence to company policy, security, and OS/app installations and updates. We have partnered with a number of device management providers, most recently JAMF, one of the most respected in the industry.
by HBTechnologySolutions | Feb 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
For a few years now, our favorite tool for logging mileage for tax purposes has been MileIQ. It is full featured, automatic and reliable. We were a bit concerned when the app was purchased by Microsoft last year, as we did not know what the future held. We are happy to see that it is now been included as one of the tools in the Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium subscription service!

by HBTechnologySolutions | Feb 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
![Manually selecting a specific backup drive when you have multiple local Time Machine backup locations]()
Many companies also elect to use more than one local backup location while using Apple’s Time Machine backup application for an additional layer of data protection.
While a convenient tool, Time Machine is not always reliable or consistent in making historic backups.
Time Machine should switch back and forth between your available disks as it performs it’s hourly backups, however it has a tendency to stop backing up to one or more of local backup drives.
You may have to manually select a specific backup drive when you have multiple local Time Machine backup locations to kick start it once again.
- Click on the Time Machine icon in your menu bar and choose “Open Time Machine Preferences.”
- Within the Time Machine preferences, right-click (Control-click) directly on the disk icon of the drive in question and choose “Back Up to [Name] Now” to force a backup. Note that the date range within which it has performed backups is listed.

if the backup still won’t complete:
- Restart your Time Capsule if that’s where the backups reside, or…
- Unmount the disk, unplug it, and plug it back in if it’s directly connected.
by HBTechnologySolutions | Jan 29, 2019 | Uncategorized
![Spotlight: Palcare, Inc.]()
Palcare, Inc. childcare center in Burlingame, CA has been a customer of ours since the beginning. This week Paul Proitt, one of the founders (semi) retired and they celebrated in style at a showing of the Beach Blanket Babylon musical in San Francisco. It’s rare to get a photo of all the classroom and administrative staff together because of their hectic schedules. Enjoy your extra free time Paul!